The Holdovers Showtimes Near Regal Huebner Oaks (2025)

1. Regal Huebner Oaks Movie Tickets and Showtimes in San Antonio, TX

  • Missing: holdovers | Show results with:holdovers

  • Get showtimes, buy movie tickets and more at Regal Huebner Oaks movie theatre in San Antonio, TX . Discover it all at a Regal movie theatre near you.

2. BP24: The Holdovers Movie Tickets and Showtimes Near Me | Regal

3. The Holdovers (2023) Tickets & Showtimes | Fandango

  • Missing: huebner oaks

  • Buy The Holdovers (2023) tickets and view showtimes at a theater near you. Earn double rewards when you purchase a ticket with Fandango today.

4. You Hurt My Feelings (2023) - Rotten Tomatoes

  • A sharply observed comedy about a novelist whose long standing marriage is suddenly upended when she overhears her husband give his honest reaction to her ...

  • From acclaimed filmmaker Nicole Holofcener comes a sharply observed comedy about a novelist whose long standing marriage is suddenly upended when she overhears her husband give his honest reaction to her latest book. A film about trust, lies, and the things we say to the people we love most.

5. Regal Huebner Oaks - Movies & Showtimes - Atom Tickets

  • Find movie showtimes and buy movie tickets for Regal Huebner Oaks on Atom Tickets! Get tickets and skip the lines with a few clicks.

  • Your ticket to more! The innovative movie ticketing app and website, Atom simplifies and streamlines your moviegoing experience. Buy tickets, pre-order concessions, invite friends and skip lines at the theater, all with your phone.

6. Boxoffice-December.17.1973 - YUMPU

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7. Regal Huebner Oaks & RPX Movie Showtimes & Tickets | San Antonio

  • Find movie tickets and showtimes at the Regal Huebner Oaks & RPX location. Earn double rewards when you purchase a ticket with Fandango today.

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The Holdovers Showtimes Near Regal Huebner Oaks (2025)


What is the story of The Holdovers about? ›

Why is The Holdovers movie rated R? ›

There's heavy drinking throughout (including by underage characters), everyone smokes cigarettes, teens share a joint, and a bag of pot is seen.

Is The Holdovers worth watching? ›

Very enjoyable film with outstanding performances and a wonderful warm vibe accompanied by the Christmas season. It's funny at times, sad at times, and feel-good. It's a story that almost all can relate to and will really touch your heart.

Is The Holdovers a comedy? ›

The Holdovers tries to be an off-beat comedy with dramatic elements, but the characters have to deal with grief, loneliness, absent parents, failure, racism, the Vietnam War, and schizophrenia.

What is the moral of The Holdovers? ›

Two unpleasant people who don't like each other are forced to spend time together. At first, they insult and antagonize one another. But slowly they begin to realize that they are both damaged, but salvageable.

Is The Holdovers based in a true story? ›

Summary. The Holdovers is a powerful, original film set in a New England prep school, showcasing heartfelt performances by the cast. Although inspired by personal experiences, The Holdovers is not based on a true story but was well-received critically.

Is Holdovers a sad movie? ›

“ Gissane Sophia at Marvelous Geeks Media says “The Holdovers doesn't miss a beat in examining the sadness churning around the holidays, topping it off with the kind of melancholy yet restorative ending that hits right where it needs to.”

What is the point of The Holdovers? ›

The aim of “The Holdovers” is to cure Paul of his misanthropy, at least temporarily, by having him bond with one of his best but also most difficult students.

What does Paul teach in The Holdovers? ›

Plot. In December 1970, Paul Hunham is a classics teacher at Barton Academy, a New England all-male boarding school that he once attended on scholarship. His students and fellow teachers despise him for his strict grading and stubborn personality.

Why does he spit out the alcohol at the end of The Holdovers? ›

Before charting his course away from Barton for the first time in his adult life, he takes a swig of the cognac and spits it out, a final sign of disrespect to the institution that shaped his previously rigid ethic.

Is The Holdovers appropriate for a 13 year old? ›

Because of its adult themes, The Holdovers isn't suitable for children aged under 14 years. It's more appropriate for older teenagers and adults. These are the main messages from The Holdovers: Don't judge people on face value, particularly if you don't know anything about their background.

What is the theme of The Holdovers? ›

Summary: In cinematic storytelling, "The Holdovers" offers a rich tapestry of lessons on leadership and relationships. This movie serves as a compelling case study for understanding the intricacies of leadership amidst adversity and the profound impact relationships can have.

What is the plot of Holdovers explained? ›

Summaries. A curmudgeonly instructor at a New England school remains on campus during Christmas break. He soon forms an unlikely bond with a brainy but damaged troublemaker, and with the school's cook, a woman who just lost a son in the Vietnam War.

What is the message of The Holdovers movie? ›

The values of found family, abandonment, friendship and overcoming grief in “The Holdovers” perfectly sprinkle in moments of introspection for the audience and the script's unraveling of the characters and their histories over time is brilliant. However, these moments blend smoothly with the comedy.

What is wrong with Tully's dad in The Holdovers? ›

Tully finds out that Hunham was expelled from Harvard when his roommate falsely accused him of plagiarism, and Hunham discovers that Tully's misbehavior is due to his strained relationship with his father, who is in a mental institution after suffering a mental breakdown.


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.