'I play for a living': James Patterson talks writing, celebrity collaborations and more (2025)

The bestselling author in the world has produced more than 200 novels, has sold more than 325 million books and has had 73 No. 1 bestsellers — more than any other author.

Best-known for thrillers, he’s written the Alex Cross, Michael Bennet and Women’s Murder Club series. He’s collaborated on thrillers with celebrities including Bill Clinton (“The President is Missing”) and Dolly Parton (“Run, Rose, Run”). His new book is his autobiography, “James Patterson by James Patterson: The Stories of My Life,” to be published Monday.

Patterson also is passionate about reading and literacy and has donated millions of dollars and millions of books to schools, soldiers, libraries and independent bookstores.

Patterson is a dynamo in the book business and at 75, shows no signs of slowing down in producing books and advocating for reading. He will appear in a special eventJune 13, at the Columbus Metropolitan Library’s Main Library.

Speaking recently with The Dispatch from his home in Palm Beach, Florida, Patterson answered questions with rapid-fire delivery and a little sarcasm.

'I play for a living': James Patterson talks writing, celebrity collaborations and more (1)

Q: Do you know exactly how many books you’ve written, and do you remember every book you’ve written?

Patterson: No! I don’t remember what I had for breakfast. I’m always looking for new challenges. I started writing kids’ books when Jack (his son) was in grade school, and then some nonfiction books and that was a new challenge. And now the memoir, which is nothing but stories after stories.

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Q: You don’t write on a computer but with a pencil and a legal pad, right? And you work seven days a week?

Patterson: I do. I don’t work for a living. I play for a living. If you find something you like to do, then it’s a miracle when you find somebody to pay you for it.

Q: You’ve collaborated on novels with celebrities —Bill Clinton, Dolly Parton, Mike Lupica (“The Horsewoman”). How did those come about?

Patterson: Boy, you’ve put Lupica on the celebrity level with Bill Clinton and Dolly Parton. He’s going to love that. Mike and I have become great friends and we’re going to do two adult books next year … Bill Clinton and I have the same lawyer/agent … Clinton and I are pals. He sent me Monopoly for Socialists (sic) for Christmas … And Dolly and I, we both came from nothing. We sat around and talked (about their book) for a couple of hours. … She wrote me a poem about new old friends for my birthday.

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Q: Are there more collaborations with celebrities in the works?

Patterson: Yep —Pope Francis. (He was kidding.) But really, there is somebody in the NBA who’s still playing, and there’s a football player.

Q: I know you work from your home office in Palm Beach. Do you keep a story idea file there?

Patterson: Yes. It’s a big pile, maybe 200 to 300 pages. Sometimes it’s just a title, sometimes a couple pages scribbled out. When it comes time to do another book, I pull it out and start leafing through it.

Q: Can you talk about your passion for reading and literacy?

Patterson: It’s just the way I was brought up. My mother was a teacher. There were a lot of problems in the family, alcohol and whatever. But there was this thing about giving back. Sue (his wife) and I don’t need our name on a building. What we do varies year to year —the scholarships, book donations, teacher libraries. It’s just giving back.

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Q: What do you like to read?

Patterson: I used to read three books a week and now it’s just a book a week. Right now, I’m reading a John Grisham thing.

Q: How old is your son and is he following in your footsteps?

Patterson: Jack is 24 and it’s a tragedy, he’s in banking. I don’t want to talk about It … No, he loves it and he’s very good at it.

Q: What makes you laugh, maybe other than the term ‘writer’s block’?

Patterson: Silly questions from journalists. No, you’ll find one of the answers to that in the autobiography. I grew up in a small town and a lot of people were very literal there. I’d say something ridiculous, and they’d say, ‘Really?’ and I’d have to say no. That makes me laugh.

Q: Are you ever going to run out of gas?

Patterson: Oh sure. At a certain point the car just dies but getting back to the point: I don’t work for a living. I play for a living.


At a glance

James Patterson will appear at 7 p.m. June 13, at the Main Library of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, 96 S. Grant Ave. The event is sold out. But while on tour, Patterson will post a video of one of his appearances on his website, www.jamespatterson.com.

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Best-selling author James Patterson to appear at Columbus main library

'I play for a living': James Patterson talks writing, celebrity collaborations and more (2025)


Who has James Patterson collaborated with? ›

Patterson has coauthored #1 bestselling novels with Bill Clinton and Dolly Parton, and collaborated most recently with Michael Crichton on the blockbuster Eruption.

Why does James Patterson write with other people? ›

Patterson has often said that collaborating with others brings new and interesting ideas to his stories. Of his process, Patterson has said that he is simply more proficient at dreaming up plots than crafting sentence after sentence.

What is considered the best James Patterson book? ›

1. Along Came a Spider (1993) Patterson's Along Came a Spider is frequently regarded as one of Patterson's standout works, specifically because it kicked off his highly successful Alex Cross series.

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There was the time that Patterson and a fellow altar boy—Patterson grew up in a devoutly Catholic family—almost got caught with a stash of unconsecrated Communion hosts that his friend had squirrelled away for post-Mass snacking.

What was James Patterson's most sold book? ›

Patterson's top-selling print book as measured by BookScan is Honeymoon, which edged out 3rd Degree for the #1 spot. Like many of his bestsellers, those two are parts of series, and books in the Women's Murder Club and Alex Cross series have fared particularly well.

Did James Patterson and Dolly Parton write a book together? ›

Little, Brown and Company has announced that internationally beloved entertainer Dolly Parton has teamed up with the world's bestselling author, James Patterson, to write a new book. “Run, Rose, Run,” Dolly's first-ever novel, will be published March 7, 2022.

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The Last Days of John Lennon.

Who is the ghostwriter for Maximum Ride? ›

Charbonnet worked as an uncredited cowriter with James Patterson on many of the Maximum Ride books. Shortly after the release of The Final Warning, the New York Times identified her as the cowriter for all four (at the time) books.

What is the number 1 most read book? ›

The Bible. According to Business Insider, “The most read book in the world is the Bible. Writer James Chapman created a list of the most read books in the world based on the number of copies each book sold over the last 50 years.

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James Patterson Movies to Watch
  • Miracle on the 17th Green (1999) This sports drama revolves around the game of golf. ...
  • First to Die (2003) Homicide inspector Lindsay Boxer is dealing with a lot. ...
  • Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas (2005) Christina Applegate stars as Dr. ...
  • Sundays at Tiffany's (2010)
Jul 11, 2019

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James W. Patterson
James Patterson
Political partyRepublican
SpouseSarah Parker Wilder
EducationDartmouth College (BA)
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James Patterson is one of the world's most prolific and popular fiction writers, thanks to a fast-paced style and genre-spanning oeuvre, his collaboration (by fax!) with coauthors, and the marketing savvy he acquired as an ad executive.

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Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows” — the final novel of J.K. Rowling's series — currently holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest selling book of all time after it sold 8.3 million copies — or 345,833 books per hour — when it was released in July 2007.

What made James Patterson famous? ›

James Patterson (born March 22, 1947, Newburgh, New York, U.S.) is an American author, principally known for his thriller and suspense novels. His prolific output and business savvy made him a ubiquitous presence on best-seller lists in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. In full: James Brendan Patterson, Jr.

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In 2018, former US President Bill Clinton co-authored a novel with James Patterson, the world's bestselling author.

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Amazon.com: Triple Cross (The Alex Cross Thrillers): 9780316471152: Patterson, James: Books.


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