If you have chronic sinusitis or rhinitis, you’ve likely heard polarizing opinions about dairy and sinus issues from doctors, family, friends, neighbors, and even coworkers. So what’s really true? Can a dairy-free diet improve sinus symptoms and even prevent sinus infections? The clinical and anecdotal evidence seems to tip the scale toward yes, it can, for some people. Settle in for a minute or two, as I have a quick summary to better explain this topic.
This post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or make any medical or dietary recommendations. Always consult your physician if dealing with any sinus issues or other medical conditions, and before any change in diet.
Rhinitis vs Sinusitis
First, I think it’s important to understand the two main types of sinus issues. Rhinitis is a reaction in the nose that is often inflammatory, and can cause nasal congestion, a runny nose, sneezing, and itching or discomfort in the nose, eyes, ears, and/or throat. It’s typically broken down into two main categories. Allergic rhinitis is an allergic response to one or more allergens. Nonallergic rhinitis is caused by irritants, a cold, medications, orother nonallergic triggers. In both cases, the symptoms can be short-term or chronic, depending on exposure to the triggers.
Sinusitis refers to a sinus infection that causes inflammation of the tissues in your sinuses. It typically causes nasal congestion, a runny nose, postnasal drip, and facial sinus pain. Sinusitis can be caused by a cold, other viruses, bacteria, fungi, or even allergies. Sinusitis can be acute, subsiding once the cold or other antigen has been defeated. But for some people, it turns into chronic sinusitis.
Why is the Subject of Milk and Sinus Issues so Conflictual?
That’s an easy one to answer. Because there is very little research on going dairy-free for sinus issues. It’s been estimated that11.6% of adults, about 29 million, have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. This doesn’t even include sinusitis among children. And some studies estimate more than half the population has some form of rhinitis.You would think such a hotly debated topic that affects so many people would be a target for scientific studies.
But demand doesn’t always equal results in a field that is largely dependent on funding. The research center (often a university) and/or grant providers must have a keen interest in the subject, otherwise there won’t be enough money to conduct a large study. It’s also possible that some studies have been done, but the results weren’t significant or weren’t what they hoped for, so they didn’t get published. What we have to reference is just a handful of small studies.
What the Science Says about Dairy and Sinus Issues
Sinusitis and rhinitis affect tens of millions of people, but the studies directly addressing dietary dairy hover around 100 participants each.
- In a case control study, of 101 children with a milk allergy, 27% had ear, nose, and throat (ENT) issues. After dairy elimination, 60% of those children had ENT improvement.
- In ablinded studyof 108 people who complained of persistent nasal discharge (mucus), a dairy-free diet was associated with a significant reduction of nasal discharge.
- Astudycomparing 50 healthy controls and 50 patients, found a positive correlation between milk allergy and chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps.
- In aquestionnaire studyof over 4000 kids, butter consumption was associated with and increased frequency of rhinitis. The data also showed that milk consumption led to a decrease in rhinitis, but the researchers admitted this is likely flawed data. They believed many of the kids that had allergic rhinitis were selectively avoiding dairy, while most kids without it were not, leading to a bias.
Even if we had more rigorous studies, there would still be margins for error. Which is why I never discount anecdotal evidence from medical professionals and individuals. There are many doctors who recommend dairy elimination as a first trial when a patient is suffering with chronic sinusitis or chronic rhinitis. It doesn’t work for everyone. No treatment does. But an impressive amount of people report back with success.
What about Dairy and Ear Infections?
Ear infections (otitis media) are when the middle ear becomes inflamed and infected. They can be indirectly caused by sinus infections. The Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the throat, can become blocked with sinusitis. This can lead to fluid buildup in the middle ear, which can then become infected. Like with sinus infections, studies about dairy and ear infections are small and limited. I have reviewed a couple that link milk allergy to recurrent ear infections, and a couple that state there is no correlation.
I have spoken with a couple ENT specialists who do employ dairy elimination as a treatment option for some patients who have chronic ear infections. And I’ve received messages from several people who found ear infection relief on a dairy-free diet.
Anecdotal Evidence: Dairy-Free for Sinusitis, Rhinitis, and Ear Infections
Over the years, I’ve spoken with healthcare providers who’ve said they definitely saw a link between chronic sinus problems and dairy consumption among their patients. And I’ve received hundreds of messages and direct comments from people who have found relief from sinusitis or rhinitis with a dairy-free diet. And some have also said it resolved ear infections for them or a loved one. Here are a handful of anecdotes from people who wanted me to share their stories online. (In addition, we have a more extensive story on this topic from a blogger named Jennifer.)
Conquering Sinusitis: The best I’ve felt in a long time
I decided I’d had enough of the sinus issues, GI problems, and constant headaches and tried going dairy free. I just can’t believe how much better I feel! It’s truly amazing. My sinuses are clear, I can breathe through my nose and easier in general, my stomach is so much happier, my skin is softer and not itchy, the dark circles under my eyes gone, and my eyes are no longer bloodshot red.
See AlsoNasal Rinses in people with Rhinitis: A Complete How-to Guide and Its Benefits - The Kingsley ClinicI didn’t realize what eating dairy was doing to me. I consumed these products practically every day of my life and slowly, my sinuses and stomach were getting worse and worse. A couple of weeks ago I accidentally had a piece of cheese and I instantly felt ill and those old symptoms returned. Now if only a doctor would have told me about this years ago. Instead I wasted years on different meds, acupuncture, nasal lavage. ~Corin
Adult Milk Allergy
I was milk allergic as a child and the doctors said I would grow out of it. So I have been eating milk for 40 years. I have always had chronic sinusitis since my early 20’s including constant post nasal drip. Most recently I had developed adult acne, fatigue and and joint pain. I mentioned to a friend how tired I was with the constant post nasal drip; clearing my throat all the time. My friend said that she only got that from food allergies. I later remembered that I was allergic to milk as a newborn and went on a dairy elimination diet the next day. Sure enough–my sinusitis, fatigue, joint pain and acne all cleared up almost within 48 hours! ~Liana
Sinus and Ear infections NO MORE!
My family has been dairy free for 6 months. My daughter had an ear infection at least once a month. I had a sinus infection once a month. And my son had thick green mucus all the time. I read an article that suggested going off dairy to see if it helped. My daughter has not had an ear infection since. I have had 1 sinus infection, which I can actually trace to frappuccinos! My son’s nose is clear for a super change. ~Amy
Morning Sinusitis Gone
For several years Ihad morning sinusitis which took at least an hour to clear. After I eliminated dairy products from my diet, the sinusitis cleared and has stayed clear. Some of the morning attacks were so severe I had full blown panic attacks. In addition, I always had a lumpy feeling in my throat with the need to clear by coughing at least every minute.I always knew that I was lactose intolerant, but never realized all of the complications associated with dairy. ~Anonymous
Dairy-Free and “Ache-Free”
I had chronic headaches and stomachaches for my entire life until the age of 28. I was misdiagnosed with an ulcer. Then had chronic sinusitis which almost resulted in sinus surgery. I also was on prednisone for flare ups. It wasn’t until I saw my third allergist/immunologist that finally tested me for an allergy to dairy. I cut it out for two weeks and was a new person. All of headaches, stomachaches and nasal issues completely went away. ~Lisa
Dairy Free for Sinus Issues
I decided to live milk-free on the advice of my nurse practitioner after complaining of unrelieved sinus/ear/nasal stuffiness and vertigo. Right away I felt better, and do not wake up with a sinus headache every day anymore. In fact, I feel better in ways I did not know I felt bad, if that makes sense! No more achiness, feeling bloated, dark circles under my eyes, more energy, better sleep. ~Bestsy
Chronic Ear Infections Vanished with a Milk-Free Diet
Years ago I began my research into the qualities of milk after my first born son had repeated ear infections and was constantly ill–coughing, hacking, wheezing, sinus infections, nose bleeds, diarrhea, ear infections. His ears remained infected no matter what types of antibiotics he was given. After being directed by a close family friend toward the idea that milk could be the underlying problem, I removed from his diet all milk-containing items for two weeks. It was incredible, really. Within days he began to have clear drainage instead of the thick, green glue-like substance that had invaded his little body, and soon after had no drainage at all. Not to mention not one single ear infection to date since the removal of milk from his diet. ~ thirtysomething mom
Dairy-Free Worked, Prescriptions Didn’t
Before I cut out dairy (in addition to gluten and sesame, the other two foods I am intolerant to) I was on THREE prescriptions for allergies and STILL had allergy symptoms! I also used to get about 3-4 sinus infections per year and headaches. None of that has been an issue since cutting out those pesky foods. ~ Dr. DiNezza
Goodbye Chronic Sore Throats!
I discovered Go Dairy Free a year ago. I read your testimony about quitting dairy. At that time, I was only eating yogurt, but I thought, why not? I did quit the yo, and can I tell you, it CHANGED MY LIFE! Goodbye chronic sore throats! Goodbye allergies! It was a blessing, seriously. ~ FG
Allergies? What Allergies?
Two years ago I came down with what I thought was a “summer cold” that wouldn’t go away. When I went to the doctor, he told me it was allergic rhinitis and prescribed one of the popular OTC antihistamines. They sort of worked, but I still had periodic bouts of nausea. I took the medication all through the winter and when allergy season rolled around again, it didn’t seem to work very well anymore.
When I went back to the doctor, I was told I had sinusitis and was prescribed antibiotics and steroids. This happened three times before they sent me for a CT scan of my sinuses (normal) and then to an allergist. The allergist tested me and told me I was mostly allergic to sagebrush and somewhat allergic to grasses.
I finally figured out post-nasal drip was causing the nausea, and used prescription non-steroid nasal spray to control it. But I kept having intermittent bouts of uncontrollable drip and consequent nausea even through the winter. I finally went to an acupuncturist who suggested I try eliminating dairy from my diet.
I stopped drinking milk many years ago, and thought I really wasn’t eating that much dairy food, and had resisted this suggestion before. This time I tried it and eliminated yogurt, cheese, butter, and foods made with dairy products or by-products.
It is now early August, the weeds are blooming, and I am pretty much allergy free. I take no antihistamines, and wear a dust mask when I garden or mow the lawn. I keep a bottle of the anti-drip spray handy just in case, but have only had to use it once or twice (whacking waist-high weeds without a mask-oops). Friends tell me this has been a bad allergy year, but I am fine. ~Diane
Diet & Symptom Journal
Monitoring your diet and symptom levels can be extremely helpful in identifying potential triggers of chronic sinusitis and rhinitis. Years ago, I created a printable dairy-freeelimination diet journal, complete with sections for easy symptom tracking and recording your daily food consumption. More recently, we made it fillable! So you can enter the data on your phone or computer, or print to circle and write on paper. Whatever you choose, it’syours to useand to share with your doctor.